A new tone of voice document had been launched across the business, but there were still inconsistencies in the way staff were writing to people e.g Account Managers emailing clients/employers.
The ‘nuts and bolts’ had to be looked at, so I was tasked with writing a style guide covering essentials, detailed below…
I wrote a comprehensive 14-page guide covering things like:
– When to use a colon Vs a semi-colon Vs an en dash Vs an em dash
– Not using too many exclamation marks
– Standard date and time formats we use
– Avoidance of archaic or pretentious language e.g whilst and amidst
– Use of contractions
– Avoidance of cliches or repetition
– When we do/don’t use abbreviations and capitalisation
– The rules when writing numbers in copy/content
– When and how to use quotation marks.