Skinetica produce skincare products designed to clear up acne and other skin blemishes. Their products are very different to others on the market in that they don’t work via the use of chemicals, yet clear up spots incredibly fast.
Brief: Create content for their landing page for a big funnel / Facebook advertising campaign, designed to shift high volumes in a short space of time. Content needed to be highly emotive – addressing an immediate need; the embarrassment of an acne outbreak – yet based on scientific fact as to how the product works (particularly Vs competitors).
Solution: Working with their existing layout and Facebook advertising, I created content that built up a plausible story, allied to facts about how Skinetica works (and how quickly), along with five, strong, edited testimonials taken from hundreds online.
Content had to be fast, punchy, and relate to a teenage/younger audience, without being patronising or ingratiating.
Client : Skinetica
Project Type : Web content
(sales funnel / landing page: direct sales)
Sector : Health / Beauty
Tone : Conversational, upbeat