I was reading up on why cross-posting on different social platforms isn’t such a good idea.
The gist is, it looks shoddy. It looks like you can’t be arsed with your audience.
In publishing identical posts across each social platform, you could end up asking people to retweet something on Facebook/Instagram/Linkedin, or ‘pin’ something on one of those platforms.
Or you could have a cut-off caption on Twitter, after posting to Instagram.
Or you could have an image on Instagram, but just a link showing on Twitter – losing out on the interaction you’d get with the image.
Then there’s the fact that these platforms have very different audiences.
Linkedin, for example, has more men than women and most are over 30, whereas Instagram has more women than men and has cornered the under-30s.
A hasty post – a duplicate post – across these platforms can look like you just don’t care about your audience … but the same applies across any channel.
You can be just as hasty in print.
No one gave a shit about this ad. Not the client briefing it in, not the accounts team, not the creatives – no one.
The headline copy and the logos look like I plonked them on, in Photoshop. It’s slapdash and it smacks of ‘this’ll do’. And the reason is because the ad just needs to ‘do the job’ (as in ‘we made the announcement’) and they can start raking in the money from the expansion of the ULEZ.
Every journey doesn’t matter – give us yer feckin’ money.
Then there’s this Mother’s Day monstrosity:
I count four different fonts on this.
Then there’s the cheap photography.
The shit names for the bouquets.
The tacky yellow stars/flowers (?) showing the price.
This was hastily put together and it shows – it looks shabby.
To be fair to Morrisons, it’s not much worse than the M&S one that was in the same newspaper – all of the Mother’s Day ads look rushed.
They look like they don’t care.
Then again, if you’re appealing to an audience only just thinking of Mother’s Day with less than 48 hours to go, does it matter?
I could probably find other examples, but it’s Friday and I can’t be arsed to look and you can’t be arsed to read any more.
The long and short of it is, you can’t afford to be hasty across any platform.
It just looks like you don’t care about what you’re doing. And, be honest – if you don’t care, why should your audience?