In the words of the Chuckle Brothers: ‘oh dear…. oh dear, oh dear’.
Check out this beauty of a Christmas message for council tenants of Hammersmith & Fulham.
What a mixed message that is – ‘Happy Christmas’ & ‘where’s our ******* money?’ rolled into one (yes, I’m sure there’s some political bias, based on where I saw this, but there’s no getting away from what this card says).
Also, what a waste of a rather cute, creative visual.
Oh well, nevermind, to follow H & F Council’s lead, I thought I’d see what other brands could take from such messaging:
Volvo: For Life. Your safety first – buy our cars or die.
Mars: Work, rest, play. Just don’t get fat.
Nike: Just Do It. If you’re rubbish, do something else.
Stella: Reassuringly expensive… but still a bit ‘chavvy’.
Skittles: Taste the Rainbow… but brush your teeth after.
Subway: Eat Fresh… sort of.
British Airways: To fly. To Serve. Is your seatbelt done up?
L’Oreal: Because you’re worth it, but we can’t work miracles.
Natwest: Helpful banking… when your account isn’t frozen.
McDonalds: I’m lovin’ it, but I can’t quite fit through my bedroom door.
Mastercard: There are some things money can’t buy: for credit card arrears, there’s Wonga.