I’ve been doing a bit of desktop spring cleaning, and, tucked away in a cheeky little folder, I found a stash of creative ads I really like.
Some are long copy ads, but most are visual. Some are for commercial brands, some are for charities.
Whatever the case, they all have the same things in common: they’re as effective as they are creative, they’re incredibly simple, and you’ll ‘get’ them instantly.
I look at these ads when I need a little inspiration, or need reminding that lateral thinking has to be aligned with a key message i.e it’s no good plonking a dancing bear in a campaign if it has bugger all to do with what you’re trying to covey to the audience.
Anyway, it’s Friday, no-one wants to read reams of copy, so sit back and enjoy these beauties (click on each ad to see a larger version):