It came out last week, so I’m a bit behind on this one, but this – from Expedia, via Saatchi and Saatchi – is brilliant:
If you can’t quite read this terrible screenshot, the search bar says ‘Canada’ and the copy underneath says ‘Escape The Family’.
I had to highlight it as this blog can be a bit of a moan-fest, but when something’s this good, I like to throw the spotlight on it.
This is the best bit of reactive advertising I’ve seen in quite some time: this is advertising at its best.
It’s bang on the money – right on the zeitgeist. It couldn’t be more ‘of now’ if it tried… and it’s bloody funny.
This is the creative work of an uncluttered mind. It’s the creative work of someone who stays on top of the news – what’s current. And I’d bet a fair sum, it’s the creative work of someone who had a eureka moment in the shower that morning, then ran in to their creative partner and said ‘listen to this!’
It’s so simple, and funny without being rude or crude.
More of this please.