I like this:
I like it a lot.
There’s not a huge lateral leap that’s been made within this ad, just a simple truth that’s played upon (one that we probably don’t really stop to think about): 3/4 of a gin and tonic is tonic.
… and if that’s the case, then you may as well make that tonic the very best out there. Not every brand could nail the first line with the second line, though. Schweppes couldn’t call their tonic water ‘the best’, but Fever Tree is a premium brand tonic water.
The cutesy art direction gently helps the ad along, then the line at the end – ‘Named tonic of choice by the world’s top bars and restaurants’ – hammers the message home.
Essentially, with the right gin coupled with Fever Tree, you can make as a good a gin and tonic as you can get in any bar, at home.
I bet this ad shifts loads of bottles of the stuff.